"Oh gosh! Is he coming out yet? Please hurry, Mommy and Daddy wants to meet you." are the words that I hear from quite often Monica for the last little while. At 37 weeks, baby is fully developed and is just packing on the chub chubs in the last 3 weeks. We've been trying a bunch of tricks/beliefs to help have our son come out sooner as we are in the home stretch. What can fathers do to help speed up the process? TRICK #1 - SEX Well, our midwife and doula both suggested us to have more sex as semen is supposed to help induce labour. Semen may help to soften, or ripen, the neck of your womb (cervix). Semen also contains a high number of prostaglandins, which are chemicals that can help to relax tissues. I guess it's time to get lucky tonight *lol* TRICK #2 - PINEAPPLES Pineapples have been believed to help induce labour. Go buy a ripe pineapple from the store and cut it for her. How to pick a good pineapple?
TRICK #3 - SMOKELESS MOXA-ROLLS What is this? It was suggested by Monica's Naturopathic physician Dr. Katie Leah (http://integrative.ca/) as another way of helping to bring on labour. It is believed that this magic stick has multi-purpose usage. I'm basically lighting this smokeless Moxa-Roll and swirling it around her belly, knee cap area and sides of her feet for 15 minutes each day. The stick can evenly penetrate heat into acupoints with great power and guaranteed to be safe for your partner. TRICK #4 - DANCING Our doula suggested Monica to dance or move her hips to help with her labour. What do I do? I guess I'm dancing to reggae since thats her favourite 'genre' of music for some hip action *lol* TRICK #5 - CASTOR OIL It is believed that castor oil stimulates her tummy which stimulates her uterus. I wouldn't suggest your partner to ingest it as it could make her nauseous and give her diarrhea which could lead to dehydration. I have just tried placing a small amount of castor oil (April 27) on her belly today. Its pretty sticky and doesn't smell very pretty. TRICK #6 - SPICY FOOD Spicy food is often suggested to bring on labour, which would stimulate her stomach as well. Time to bring out the chilli oil, Sriracha, and hot sauce. Monica doesn't really eat spicy food, until recently. I guess I'm going to have to get in the action with her with the spicy food. TRICK #7 - ACUPUNCTURE and CHIRO I'm not exactly Dr.Ho and I am not trained to do acupuncture or crack bones, so lets not get fancy and experiment. I do my due diligence and drive her to her naturopath for acupuncture (which she hates) & chiropractor appointments (which she loves). If you are living in Canada, see if your MSP helps cover part of the visit, or check your extended health coverage. She has gone to Dr. Stephanie Bonn (from http://cocochiro.com/) for about 10 visits now and she has noticed that she doesn't have many problems with back, neck, or pelvic pain as most preggos do. Perhaps it does work! Our baby will be a regular patient as well. Stay tuned for future posts on that. What other tips & tricks have you tried with your partner to induce early labour? Share us your experience below.
Your midwife or OB will have a list of things suggested for your partner to bring to the hospital and you will have your own list.
Here's the list of things I've packed in my bag for the big day to the hospital. I packed my swim gear as our initial plan is water birth and I want to join Monica in the birth pool. I also packed my toothbrush, a pair of sandals, pajamas pants, a pair of underwear and extra tshirt/sweater. In terms of accessories, I packed my watch with a second hand to time her contractions, a go-pro to film, digital camera as well as battery chargers for all my gadgets (eg. mobile phone, camera, ipod, etc). I am also packing some snacks and drinks incase Monica gets hungry or dehydrated. Plus, I want to stay in the room with her as much as possible. Other stuff that I would suggest doing is setting up the infant car seat beforehand and preparing the outfit for your child going home. What am I planning to wear to the hospital?
Here are the top 7 things that I do for my partner throughout her pregnancy and especially the last trimester:
1. Put oil/lotion on her body to help her prevent stretch marks. 2. Wash her hair and scrub her back in the shower as her wrists hurt. ( Fact: More than half of women get pain or weakness in their wrist during pregnancy). 3. Take walks after every meal with her. 4. Drive her around everywhere. 5. Pick up things on the floor which she cannot reach. 6. Listen to her complain and acknowledge it. 7. Tell her I appreciate her everyday. What do you do for your partner? Share and leave your comments below. ![]() Stanley Occupation: Event Planning, Event Coordinating, and Marketing Position: Executive Director at Solid Events Website: www.solidevents.ca How did you meet you partner/wife? I met Monica through a business metting when she wanted to host a Fashion Show for her brand CC1827 at Atlantis Night Club. What was your first feeling & thought when you found out that your partner was pregnant? My initial reaction was "WOW! My sperm actually works." What was your reaction when you found out the gender of your first child? I vividly remember driving in my vehicle when Monica called me to tell me the gender. I was expecting a daughter and had even thought of a name for her already. Then she told me that we were having a son. I thought she was joking and questioned her a few times. I was ecstatic as I started to think of all the things that he could do that I didn't get to do when I was a kid. I called my father immediately when I found out the news. How did you come up with your child(ren) name(s)? It was kinda difficult for us to choose a name since I know a lot of people considering the industry I am in. We came up with a short list of names from Rowan, Liam, Dominic, to Avery. Our initial choice was Liam. However, we found out that it's been the top name of choice for the past 5 years, hence why we will be using it as a middle name instead. We have decided to name him Avery. How did you prepare yourself to become a father? I haven't really prepared much. Monica prepares me by reminding me to read and she keeps me updated on information that she's learned along the way. I started "nesting" when I realized that we are in the final stretch. How do you balance your work and family life? We discussed my work schedule prior to having our child. I would compromise with Monica and try to spend as much time with her as possible. Especially on the latter half of the pregnancy as it becomes more difficult for her to do things herself (eg. driving, picking things up that she's dropped on the floor due to her new found clumsiness, though she was still pretty clumsy before). If you had a super power, what would it be? The ability to duplicate myself. Word of advice to other fathers to be: I am still waiting for my son to be born, however, my advice at this point is to be supportive of your partner! Even if your partner may seem cranky, you need to be supportive. Always remind them that you appreciate what they are going through. I have a totally different perspective and respect for women as they have to go through great lengths to bare our children. |
AuthorStanley - Just a regular guy around the block. Archives
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